Friday, June 4, 2010

30 Day Vegan Journal

30 Day Vegan Journal

Friday, June 04, 2010
9:00 a.m. I made the commitment to start a Vegan diet for 30 days. I’m not starting this diet to “save the animals”. I’m starting this diet because Vegan’s are very thin and I’m sick and tired of being fat. I have tried every diet in the book and failed. So, I decided to try this.
11:00 a.m. I weighed in this morning at 220 #’s. I also have not been feeling well. I have joint pain, chronic constipation, low energy, and depression. I’m told the Vegan way of life will make me feel better and eliminate any risks of heart disease.
2:00 p.m. I went shopping and actually found it quite easy to buy what I needed. I studied vegan web sites and read labels as I went shopping.
5:00 p.m. I enjoyed the food today, and I even tried chocolate soy milk. It was very good. I am afraid of tofu, so decided to wait on that one.
6:00 p.m. I am already feeling better. I was having some serious problems with bloat and gas after meals. I have not had that problem today. The bloating was really making me feel too full and sick after meals.
6:30 p.m. You know, I do want to say that some of this Vegan stuff is kind of bogus. They don’t eat honey because they don’t like the way the bee’s are treated, so I wonder if they would swat a mosquito if it were to land on them and start sucking their blood. I think trying to save bees is a little weird. Furthermore, what about all the insects that get slaughtered during the harvest of plants? Do they quit eating plants? NO!!!! Some of this stuff is kind of ridiculous. I’m thinking a lot of vegans might be doing it for the attention, or might be like myself and using it as a weight loss plan.
7:00 p.m. In addition, Vegans eat sugar in place of honey. However, sugar beet factories emit tons of chemicals and toxins into our air causing our Ozone layer to deplete. You cannot tell me that this doesn’t harm animals, let alone our own species; HUMANS! How hypocritical is that?!!!!! Oh! Let’s save the bees while we destroy the rest of the planet!!! Give me a break!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010
8:00 a.m. So far so good, for breakfast I’m having granola cereal with raisins, a banana, ½ piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter, and chocolate soy milk. It’s all yummy!
12:00 p.m. Well, I just had a homemade rice, bean, and veggie soup. It was very good and very satisfying. I’ve noticed that I’m eating less and less often. It must be the fiber that is making me feel full longer. Also, I have had no more constipation or bloating problems.
5:00 p.m. I decided to have a light dinner of apples and peanut butter and a few corn chips with salsa. I am feeling so much better already. I have not felt depressed at all today. I don’t know if it is the diet or the hope that I may actually lose weight on a diet that doesn’t make me feel deprived. I have been on the Atkins diet which is essentially the opposite of Vegan, but I couldn’t maintain it. I felt deprived and hungry all the time, not to mention that I didn’t lose much weight.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
8:30 a.m. Wooooo Hooooo! I lost a pound already. I weighed in at 219 this morning. Furthermore, I feel great and I've been awake for almost 2 hours and I'm not hungry yet. My appetite is going down a lot.

1:00 p.m. I'm having a hard time getting full today. I ended up eating 2 lunches today. It may be that I am not use to being hungry, ever! lol
I am also noticing the taste of food in it's natural form and I actually like the natural tastes. I even ate a piece of whole grain toast dry because I like the taste of it plain. I've also researched the McDougall diet which I found interesting. I really like the health benefits it claims to have. The website is: You should read it. It's very interesting.

8:00 p.m. Another good day on the vegan diet. I feel great and I'm always satisfied. Never too hungry, never bloated, and energy level is great.

Monday, June 7, 2010
6:00 p.m. I haven't had the best day. I had to give up caffeine according to the McDougall plan and I have had a horrible headache from the wilthdrawal. However, and I know this is going to sound weird, but my brain is defogging. Everything I see appears clearer and more defined. I also need to mention that I didn't do well with complying totally with the McDougall plan. It's hard to go without any vegetable oil or nuts. I've decided to stay off the caffeine, and all animal bi-products, but I need soy milk, veg. oil, and nuts. Maybe after I get adjusted to the vegan lifestyle I might try again.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
12:00 p.m. Today is much better. I no longer have a headache from lack of caffeine. I also feel really good today. I'm going to make sure I get at least 15 minutes of this beautiful sunshine for replenishing my vitamin D. I'm glad I chose not to stick with the McDougall plan. It would have lead me to stop the vegan lifestyle because it was too restricting.